Know our Privacy Policy
This data privacy guarantee declaration applies specifically and exclusively to the service of the entity Fabincal – Fábrica Industria de Calçado, Lda.
The Internet is a fabulous communication tool. From day to day we realize its growing importance in our life, as just a click on the mouse on our computer and the world is at our feet. People get closer, experiences spread more quickly.
The evolution of society today is rampant. For all these reasons and for everyone to increasingly trust this means of communication, it is important for our company that all users of its services and visitors to its pages have the confidentiality of their data guaranteed.
When we ask for your name, address, telephone, email, among others, we aim to maintain a closer relationship with our users.
With your registration, we will treat you by your first name, we are closer to you and we can respond to your needs or requests more effectively. If, for some reason, the entity Fabincal – Fábrica Industria de Calçado, Lda. Feels the need to update its privacy policy, you will be the first to be informed.
The entity Fabincal – Fábrica Industria de Calçado, Lda. Guarantees that this information will not be used for disclosure to third parties, however, it can be used for promotional purposes via email, telephone or other, for use by Fabincal – Fábrica Industria de Calçado, Lda.
Fabincal – Fábrica Industria de Calçado, Lda., Is committed to protecting your privacy and will make a great effort to ensure the use of technology that is sufficiently effective so that your online experience is safer every day and their relationships on the web increasingly strengthened. If you have any questions regarding this commitment, do not hesitate to contact.